Server Rules!
"There shouldnt be too many rules, as i trust yall, but..."
1. "no spamming, consistent spam will lead to eventual ban!"
2. "if someone says stop, just stop! if someone is uncomfortable with a topic you are discussing, go in the age-restricted channel! or better yet, just start there!"
3. "absolutely no racism, homophobia, transphobia, or any other neo-nazi shit like that! obviously! this is a group about forbidden zone, so you can see i have a pretty low bar when it comes to jokes. just keep your jokes respectful and if its offensive, just delete it and apologize!"
4. "try to keep relevant topics in the correct channel, i wont enforce it much but the organization just over all makes things easier for people like you and me."
5. "minors are allowed, but 18+ members, PLEASE try to avoid chatting with them in direct ways as much as possible. this server does NOT support pedophilia and will NEVER try to encourage it."
6. "topics such as severe violence, racism, transphobia, homophobia, sex, rape/sexual assault, and other various topics are allowed due to the nature of the movie, but should never be glorified or portrayed as a positive."
7. "speaking of, CENSOR YOUR SHIT! if youre talking about something graphic, such as the things listed in rule 6, CENSOR IT! if you put || behind and in front of your message it will censor. And if its a photo, properly spoil it."
8. "and please, for gods sake just be respectful! dont harrass people! just be nice and talk about this shitty surreal 80's movie!"
("i tried not to put too many rules, but this movie is too controversial for me not to address these topics! other than these rules, have fun and keep your disrespect to yourself!")