Appearance: Black/dark brown hair, white skin, wears red lipstick and has a mole left to her mouth. Typically wears a yellow dress with silver heels and her hair in a ponytail. Appearance only changes when in prisoner outfit, wearing a modified Mickey Mouse hat, and when in her queen outfit at the end of the movie.
A France-obsessed teenaged girl, described as "the pinnacle of youthful effervescence." Said to be 16 years in the novelization,Frenchy exhibits the rebellious nature of a 16 year old girl when escaping to the Forbidden Zone to spite her father and escape school.
Frenchy is introduced sitting at the dinner table with her family, before her mother warns her of the 'portal' leading to the Sixth Dimension sitting in the families basement, her father emphasizing this in a sudden Cab Calloway lipsync. This intrigues Frenchy, bringing her to escape school after an impromptu dance-performance devolving to a school shoot-out. Leaving her passed out mother to go and discover the surreal world of the Forbidden Zone, she trips on a loose roller skate and falls into the open mouth leading to the Forbidden Zone and slips through said mouths intestines before being shit out into the Sixth Dimension. After escaping near-vaginal-electrocution from the jealous Queen Doris and various surreal scenes too specific to list, she ends up becoming Queen of the Forbidden Zone along with King Fausto, the former husband of Queen Doris before Doris's eventual death to Frenchys mother.
The main protagonist of Forbidden Zone, portrayed by Richard Elfmans ex-wife, Marie-Pascale Elfman.
Flash Hercules!
Gender: Male
Appearance: Grey hair, white skin, visibly older. Wears a boy scout uniform with white shorts, combat boots, a dark blue propeller hat, and bloody bandages(?) around the forehead.
13 years in the movie, 16 in the novelization, Flash, suffering from Progeria (a disease that causes children to age rapidly) is described as "nonetheless as hungry, hyper, and horny as every other 16-year-old in the neighborhood." He finds himself on a mission with his grandfather, only known as "Gramps", to save his sister, Frenchy after days of her being trapped in the Sixth Dimension.
Flash is introduced at the dining table, telling Frenchy and his family about Squeezits transvestite sister getting trapped in the Forbidden Zone. Later, after Frenchy escapes from school to the Sixth Dimension, Flash and Gramps Hercules are set to find Frenchy, getting trapped in the "Royal Septic Tank" after being found out by Queen Doris of the Sixth Dimension. The two end up calling Squeezit Henderson for help, and Flash ends up becoming a military hero once Frenchy was put into royalty.
A prominent side character in Forbidden Zone, portrayed by Phil Gordon.
Squeezit Henderson!
Gender: Male
Appearance: Black(?) hair, white skin, along with purpley-black lipstick and overly-distinct eye makeup. He typically wears a white tee, underwear, clunky glasses, and a black beanie-type-hat(?). His appearace only changes when decapitated by Satan, in which he sprouts white angel-like wings out of the sides of his head.
A pitiful, overly exaggerated caricature of a punching bag-doormat hybrid. He is described as "A pathetic fucker, a living tragedy, the manifestation of systematic personal and institutional failures." After getting a call from Flash and a pep talk from a chicken, Squeezit brings himself to try and save Flash and Frenchy from the Sixth Dimension.
Squeezit is introduced when Flash and Frenchy are walking to school, and Flash spits into a trashcan; Squeezit being inside. He only fuels Frenchys rebellious behavior, telling her more about the Forbidden Zone. Hes later shown in his home typing on a typewriter with chickens inside his home, in which Flash calls to bring him to come to the Forbidden Zone and save him and Flash's grandfather. He ends up getting put under a deal with Satan and gets decapitated. He ends up living as a decapitated head with wings once Frenchy was put into royalty in the Forbidden Zone.
A less-prominent but not irrelevant side-character in Forbidden Zone, portrayed by Micheal Bright (Under the name Toshiro Boloney).
Rene Henderson!
Gender: Transsexual Female
Appearance: Blonde hair, white skin, with drawn freckles and purple lipstick. She typically wears a pink, frilly night gown with combat boots and her Mickey Mouse-esque prisoner hat. Her appearance only changes when crucified by Queen Doris.
A prominent side character in Forbidden Zone, portrayed by Micheal Bright (Under the name Toshiro Baloney).